Music at the Oaks focuses on the pupil’s rights to Education and their right to Play.
Through exciting short projects in year 7 and 8 the pupils have the opportunity to experience many different aspects of music and how music is a large part of their everyday lives. It teaches them many social skills. It is an interactive subject which teaches them many social skills working with different groups, listening and appreciating music, listening to the work of others, visiting and experiencing music from other countries.
Of course music is about what we hear but it is also about not just the final product but the process of reaching the end goal. From creatively working in groups and getting direction from the teacher, inspiration from visiting performers and confidence from their peers we aim for the pupils to grow to experience and be able to perform music in many genres.
As these pupils achieve they will also be recognized with Unit Awards. Each pupil will complete at least one unit award per year whether it is for a singing project in year 7, a music and dance project in year 8 or a formalized project on Mozart and classical music in year 9.
As well as the class lessons we have two peripatetic teachers who come to the school to teach Brass and Guitar. This is funded by the school and the pupils do not have to pay a penny for this extra activity; all we ask is they reward us with a performance and by them enjoying the process of learning a new instrument. The pupils will enjoy one lesson every week in a group of no more than 5. If the pupil does not have an instrument but is still interested in playing either brass or guitar, don’t worry as the school can lend instruments out to these pupils.
KS3 SLD OVERVIEWThe Oaks Secondary School,
Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB
Tel: 01388 827380