
Students in Year 11 that progress into the sixth form from the Oaks and other Secondary schools follow a transition plan. This gives the students the opportunity to get to know the sixth form building, staff and expectations before attending full time. It also gives the students opportunities to ask questions and understand the types of lessons and activities they will participate in within the sixth form curriculum.

Potential new students will visit on an informal basis throughout the year to take part in seasonal events and enjoy the sixth form ‘Acorn Cafe’. They will be able to visit the sixth form ‘Alan Blench garden’ and also be part of the audience for sixth form drama and dance productions.

During the summer term the students will be able to visit the sixth form on a more formal basis and take part in a range of lessons and activities. They will work alongside existing students so that they can develop friendships and support networks.

participate in within the sixth form curriculum.

Potential new students will visit on an informal basis throughout the year to take part in seasonal events and enjoy the sixth form ‘Acorn Cafe’. They will be able to visit the sixth form ‘Alan Blench garden’ and also be part of the audience for sixth form drama and dance productions.

During the summer term the students will be able to visit the sixth form on a more formal basis and take part in a range of lessons and activities. They will work alongside existing students so that they can develop friendships and support networks.

Staff working with the year 11 students will work closely with sixth form staff to share information about the students, enabling a smooth and stress free transition to sixth form.

A formal parent’s afternoon is held in the summer term to share information about the sixth form curriculum and to discuss any queries or questions parents may have. Parents will also have the opportunity to look around the sixth form and meet the staff.

Informal parents meetings are held when requested, to pass on any personal information regarding health needs, medication or to generally chat about their child’s needs.

All students will be given a sixth form prospectus and welcome DVD in the summer term prior to moving into the sixth form.

All students will be given a pack including their new timetable, staff photos and names, and general information about the sixth form before leaving year 11.

Transition into the next steps of life

All students will have the opportunity to visit the ‘Careers Fayre’ that is held in The Oaks Secondary School in the autumn term of every year. Parents and students will be able to meet and talk to staff from a range of providers and establishment within the area. These include; Bishop Auckland College, Darlington College, Houghall College, New College Durham, Innovations, NEAS, Pathways and Tin Arts.

All students will have an EHC plan review to discuss the ‘next steps’ and individual support will be provided from the Improving Progression team.

Most sixth form students will have the opportunity to visit a range of ‘next step’ options whilst in the sixth form. Students will take part in taster sessions at Bishop Auckland College, New College at Durham, Darlington College and Houghall College at Durham. Students will also take part in work experience based around their personal interests.

Some students may access a Supported Internship in Year 14, enabling them to progress onto voluntary or paid employment.

During taster sessions at local colleges and providers, students will take part in activities, get to know the location and surroundings, meet staff and understand expectations. They will also get the opportunity to meet students that already attend these colleges and develop friendships.

Some students may require a more personalised transition plan when leaving the sixth form. The staff at the sixth form work very closely with all other agencies to ensure a smooth transition to each individual students post 19 provider.

All of the staff at The Oaks Sixth form welcome staff from other providers and establishments. They share appropriate information about individual students and share good practice.

The sixth form staff, also support students on visits to their new provision and work closely with staff to ensure the students have a positive experience.

The Oaks Secondary School,
Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB

Tel: 01388 827380

Website by Greyphox Digital