Key Staff

If you would like to speak to a member of staff about your child’s progress, behaviour or wellbeing, please free to contact their form tutor or regular learning support assistant in the first instance. You will have had the names of these classroom staff in the leaflet given out during transition. If you would like some more information about learning and subject content, you are welcome to contact your child’s subject teacher. You receive this information with your child’s timetable at the beginning of each academic year. Below are some other key staff at The Oaks and their areas of responsibility. If you are unsure about which member of staff to contact, please speak to one of the office staff who will be able to point you in the right direction.

Martyn Tweddle Executive Head Teacher
Fiona Tweddle Head of School
Rebecca Farrow Deputy Head Teacher SENCO, Designated Safeguard Lead
Martin Broom Deputy Head Teacher Teaching and Learning
Richie Harrison Assistant Head Key Stage Four Lead
Julie Jackson Assistant Head Key Stage Three Lead
Rachael Dobinson Assistant Head Sixth Form Lead
Chris Farrow Looked After Children Prevent Strategy
Stephanie Dove Severe Learning Difficulties Lead
Paul Carroll Assistant Head – Autism Lead
Vicky Pitchford Communication, Language and Literacy
Beth Palmer Student Voice
Linsey Brown Mental Health and Wellbeing
Pattama Emmerson Attendance
Ginnette Sands Intervention Strategies
Jacqueline Fink ICT Online Safety
Kayleigh Broom Preparation for Adulthood
Jade Taylorson Pastoral
Michell Wardle Support Staff Manager
Katie Moscrop After School Club Equipment Coordinator
Debbie Turnbull Behaviour Support Young Carers
Emma Scott Transition
Deborah Devonport Therapy and Intervention
Jane Sugden Medical Management

The Oaks Secondary School,
Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB

Tel: 01388 827380

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