PRE-FORMAL / SENSORY CURRICULUM – For learners working at an early developmental level.

Our pre-formal or sensory curriculum is designed to meet the needs of learners working at a early developmental level. Some of these learners may have an autism diagnosis, others have profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)

All pupils are entitled to access the National curriculum, and subjects and topics from this, provide a vehicle for curriculum delivery. A topic approach is used at The Oaks, under pinned by the main learning areas of Communication, Cognition, Physical Development and Independence Skills.

This curriculum encompasses some units of work from the parallel year groups to form each topic. This can allow movement between the different pathways and ensures appropriate learning for all pupils following this curriculum

At Key Stage 3 pupils are offered a 3 year rolling programme that builds upon skills and knowledge from the previous year. At Key Stage 4, units are offered over a two year rolling programme which builds up to accreditation primarily in the areas of personal development and independence.

Pupils have access to a personalised curriculum pathway, based on individual targets, taken from Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). We also assess progress and plan for future outcomes through the use of the engagement model to show progress in the 5 key areas of exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation.

To see more about our curriculum within this pathway please click on the key stage below.

The Oaks Secondary School,
Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB

Tel: 01388 827380

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