What are options?
In Years 10 and 11, all pupils will study a core curriculum comprising of the following subjects:
- English – Language and Literature
- Mathematics
- Science
- Religious Education
- Physical Education
- IT/Computing
- CEIAG (Careers)
‘Options’ are the subjects studied additionally to the above. Pupils are given a choice of a wide range of subjects that lead to qualifications or accreditations.
The following ‘Option’ subjects/qualifications/accreditations are currently offered at The Oaks Secondary School:
- History (GCSE/Entry Level)
- Geography (Entry Level)
- Art (GCSE/Entry Level)
- Resistant Materials (Entry Level)
- Textiles and Expressive Arts (Entry Level)
- Food Technology (BTEC Level 1 and 2)
- Horticulture (BTEC)
- Enterprise and Employability (BTEC Level 1 & NOCN Entry Level)
- Work Skills, Training and Development (NOCN)
- ASDAN Award
- Duke of Edinburgh (Bronze Award)
- Preparing for Work (Entry Level 3)
What does each subject entail?
For a more information about the options process as well as a breakdown of each subject/qualification/accreditation offered, please see the Options booklets linked below.
Options Booklet 2024 Website