DISCRETE PROVISION – For learners with severe or complex autism.

Within the discrete provision for learners with autism, there are three distinct pathways. These are formal, semi-formal and pre-formal (sensory). Each pathway has links to National Curriculum subject areas. Where applicable, the subject area content is linked to that of the formal, semi-formal or pre-formal pathways delivered in the main body of The Oaks School. This includes subjects such as mathematics, reading and religious education.

Whilst delivering a broad curriculum, the main focus in discrete provision is centred on core subjects, Personal, Health and Social Education (PHSE) and Preparing for Adulthood (PFA) themes; developing communication, social interactions and independence is prevalent within each pathway, as described in each learner’s individual Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

There are several key differences within the discrete autism curriculum:

  • Preparing for adulthood- This subject focuses on personal care, healthy living, home living skills, first aid, preparing food and drinks, and ICT.
  • PHSE- The subject focus is on ourselves, emotions, relationships and our community
  • Creative Studies- This subject contains components of the Art and Design and Technology curriculums. Learners working on the Semi-formal or Pre- formal curriculum pathways focus on developing their functional and social communication skills within this subject.
  • Humanities- Within this subject area History and Geography topics are alternated and linked to the main school curriculum.
  • English – in addition to Read Write Inc, learners access specific age appropriate literature that is delivered in a way that is accessible to them. This subject allows further generalisation of key skills from other subjects.
  • Science- Learners on the formal pathway follow an adapted science curriculum containing the three disciplines, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Other learners follow a science curriculum based on ‘accessible science and scientific enquiry topics, linked to those of British Science Week.
  • Physical Education- learners can access the formal pathway or a forest schools’ curriculum. In addition, hydrotherapy and rebound therapy can be accessed by learners who have specific sensory or physical needs.

In key stage 4, the young adults can access a range of accreditations; learners can access the main body certification pathways; and/or a range of ASDAN Towards Independence modules, linked to different subject areas

In key stage 5, learners follow The Oaks Sixth Form curriculum pathways.


The Oaks Secondary School,
Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB

Tel: 01388 827380

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