Year 10 independent living group

As part or our NOCN Independent living accreditation, some of our year 10 pupils have been completing a topic around the importance or having hobbies and enjoying leisure time within our lives, to support positive mental health and well-being. As part of this Mrs Dove has asked a number of guests into school to talk about their hobbies and the services they offer to our young people in the area. First up we had Catherine Batty join us today, who is a Scout leader, and has been attending the scouts groups for the last 15 years having won many awards, and visited many countries  (taking part in Scouts events with thousands of others from all over the world!) along the way.

Catherine started by giving us a short talk about how she got into scouting and the sorts of activities they would complete.

The pupils then got to see the sort of items she would take on her travels and expeditions and got to try some of these out.

Catherine showed the pupils her uniform and discussed the badges she had displayed.

The pupils then got to see how to set up a one man tent and had a competition to see which team could put it up the most efficiently.

Finally the pupils had the opportunity to learn some camp songs around the ‘fire’.

Our young people thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and would like to thank Catherine for joining us today!


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