01388 827380


Post 16 College Open Evenings

Please find all dates of local colleges open evenings this term. This can now be found on the website: Curriculum > CEIAG > College information.


Venue Event Date Time
New College Durham Information and Advice Event 10.01.2023 4.30pm -6.30pm

(Register Online)

Darlington College Open evening 19.01.2023 5pm-7pm
Bishop Auckland College Open Event 24.01.2023 5pm-7pm

(Register Online)

Houghall College Open Evening 25.01.2023 5pm-6.30pm

(Register Online)

Derwentside College Open Event 31/01/2023 4pm-7pm (Book your visit)
New College Durham Information and Advice Event 07.02.2023 4.30pm -6.30pm

(Register Online)

New College Durham A Level Open Event 11.02.2023 10.30am-12.30pm

(Register Online)

Houghall College Y11 Taster Day 20.02.2023 (Booking Essential)
Houghall College Open Evening 01.03.2023 5pm-6.30pm

(Register Online)

New College Durham Student Support Open Day 04.03.2023



(Register Online)

New College Durham Information and Advice Event 07.03.2023 4.30pm -6.30pm

(Register Online)

New College Durham Information and Advice Event 04.04.2023


4.30pm -6.30pm

(Register Online)

Darlington College Open Evening 21.03.2023 5pm-7pm
Houghall College Open Evening 19.04.2023 5pm-6.30pm

(Register Online)

Houghall College Saturday Open Day 29.04.2023 9.30am-11.30am

(Booking Essential)

Houghall College Open Evening 24.05.2023



(Register Online)

Darlington College Open Evening 03.07.2023









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