To keep up with current times and in line with other schools The Oaks is moving to a near as possible cashless school. We hope this will be beneficial for all parents as well.
ParentPay will be used in a much wider range including school fund, non-uniform days, residential trips etc. Parents who do not already have a log in will receive a log in letter today that will come home with your young person. Please have a look at ParentPay and reset your password as soon as you can, to familiarise yourself with it. For those parents who already use ParentPay, it should come up with the additional choices rather than just dinner money.
Just a heads up – there will be a non-uniform day on Friday 5th May (more information will follow in due course) and we intend to use ParentPay for the voluntary donations.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Many thanks for your support.