Letter from Mrs English

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you know, I will be retiring from my post as Executive Head of our federation on December 31st.  I want to take this opportunity to say a massive “thank you” to you all for your support of our schools.  The federation works so well because of the strong partnerships we have, including those with yourselves.


I am one of the lucky few who has enjoyed every part of my career, and can honestly say that I have no regrets.  I have said many times, that there are elements of my job that I would do for free because I love it so much!


I have been honoured to be part of your child’s story, and those of all of the pupils who have attended our schools over the years.  I know that Mr. Tweddle will continue to develop the federation, and that all of our leaders and staff will continue to give above and beyond for our children.  I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


With all my good wishes for the future,




Andrea English

Executive Head Teacher.


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    The Oaks Secondary School,
    Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB

    Tel: 01388 827380

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