Covid Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you have had a relaxing Christmas and New Year. All pupils are due back at school on Thursday 6th January. There have been some changes to the government’s guidance in relation to COVID.

In most circumstances anyone with a positive COVID case will self-isolate for 7 days instead of 10 days (lateral flow tests to be taken on day 6 and 7), we will not be expecting pupils to wear face masks in the classroom but they can if they wish to do so. Where possible can you please encourage your child to wear a face mask on school transport. I realise this is not appropriate for some of our pupils however it will help reduce the transmission of the virus.

Pupils will be getting tested on the first day back to school (for those pupils with parental consent).

Many thanks for your continued support

Martyn Tweddle

Executive Deputy Head Teacher

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    The Oaks Secondary School,
    Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB

    Tel: 01388 827380

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