Visitor Information

Visitor information 2024-25
General Please park in a visitor bay or a clearly marked bay. Do not park on grass verges, block other cars, or gates. If no spaces are available, there is off-street parking outside the school site.

Enter and exit the site from the main entrance, observing sign-in and sign-out procedures.

You will be issued a visitor sticker and lanyard. Please wear this visibly at all times and return it to reception when leaving.

If you have an accompanied pass, do not move around the site unescorted.

Stay within areas necessary for your visit.

Inappropriate behaviour, language, or threatening actions toward pupils, staff, or visitors will not be tolerated.

Accessible toilets are available upon request. Inform the office if you require special facilities.

No hot drinks are allowed in pupil areas.

Identification Present your photo ID and any other agreed documentation when requested by office staff.

Wear your lanyard, photo ID, or visitor badge visibly at all times while on school premises or during off-site visits.

Fire If you hear the fire alarm, leave via the nearest exit.

Report to the fire assembly point near your exit (identified in the staff handbook or corridors) for accountability.

If working with pupils, lead them to safety and inform school staff to take a roll call.

Mobile Phones Only use mobile devices for school-related business and with prior approval. Devices can be used in the staff room.

Do not take video, photographic, or audio recordings with personal devices.

Do not leave your equipment unattended.

Ensure Bluetooth is disabled on your phone.

Interactions with Pupils If your role involves pupil interaction, report any concerns or observations to senior staff immediately. Staff can assist with contact details.
Safeguarding If you suspect a student is at risk, report immediately to the Safeguarding Team via the main office. Do not discuss concerns with the student or investigate.

If a student discloses something, do not promise confidentiality. Explain you will need to inform someone else. Report the disclosure to the Safeguarding Team immediately.

Data Protection The school adheres to the Data Protection Act 2018. A copy of the Data Protection Policy is available on request.

Upon arrival, sign in using the visitor management system. The requested personal information is for verification only. ID is shown but not recorded.

Data is processed for security purposes under GDPR Article 1 (1)(f). Retention schedules are available on request.

Information is not shared without consent unless legally required, e.g., with Local Authorities for safeguarding concerns or Police/Courts for legal duties.

Confidentiality Visitors may have access to confidential information. This information must not be disclosed.

All sensitive documents or files remain the school’s property and should not be removed from the premises.

Data Breaches Despite precautions, data breaches can occur. If you become aware of any accidental data loss, destruction, or damage, inform the School Business Manager immediately.

The Oaks Secondary School,
Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB

Tel: 01388 827380

Website by Greyphox Digital