01388 827380



Religious Education is taught in all key stages at The Oaks, students are timetabled one lesson per week. Lessons are designed to teach students to develop respect for others, help challenge prejudices, including respect for people from different faiths, beliefs and ethnic backgrounds.

Students are encouraged to share their opinions on the topics we cover and share their own personal beliefs. By promoting and prioritising mutual respect and tolerance within lessons students gain confidence in challenging misconceptions they may face in everyday life in a respectful way.

We encourage all students to have a positive attitude towards relationships with other people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs to their own.


Key Stage 3

In Key Stage 3 (yr 7-9) pupils follow a curriculum designed to explore key topics of learning set out within the most recent syllabus agreed by Durham County Council and the local S.A.C.R.E (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education).

Each year in KS3 students will focus one term on an in-depth period of study on one of the six major world religions, one term exploring beliefs and values along with character development through critical thinking and a term exploring beliefs systems specifically within the United Kingdom.


Autumn 1


Key Stage 4

KS4 students complete a two-year A.S.D.A.N accredited course entitled beliefs and values. The themes within each of the six modules promote independent learning and critical thinking in preparation for their role further education or employment in our modern multicultural society.

The course will enable learners to:

  • respect different beliefs and values, and how they contribute to a multicultural society
  • gain an awareness of the impact that humans have on the environment and how to protect our planet
  • become a responsible citizen and understand the laws needed for a fair and just society
  • appreciate the value of peace in society and understand the impact of conflict
  • understand how different religions express their beliefs through worship and actions
  • explore the concept of inspiration from religious and non-religious perspectives


Phase 1


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LPPA Certificate