
Safeguarding at The Oaks

This summary is for quick reference only.  Further information can be found in the full Child Protection Policy.  You can also request this from us in hard copy or electronically.

Child Protection issues may relate to neglect and hidden harm, physical injury, sexual abuse, emotional abuse. (Please refer to the policy for full definitions and signs). We use government documentation ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ and ‘Children missing Education’ to inform our practice and update our training on current priorities annually.

Safeguarding has the highest of priorities at The Oaks School and pupils are encouraged to report any concerns relating to safeguarding to any member of staff all of whom have Safeguarding and Prevent training.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Farrow.


Where can I get help?

During the school day:

All our staff, including support staff, receive safeguarding training. If you are concerned about your safety at any time during the school day, you can speak to any member of staff.

The staff in our safeguarding team have enhanced levels of training, and you can also speak to them:

Mrs F Tweddle: Head of School

Mrs. R Farrow: Deputy Headteacher

Mr. M Broom: Deputy Headteacher

Mrs. R Dobinson:  Assistant Headteacher (6th Form)

Mrs. J Jackson: Assistant Headteacher (Key Stage 3)

Mr. R Harrison: Assistant Headteacher (Key Stage 4)

Mr. C Farrow: Designated Teacher (CLA) and Prevent Lead

Mrs. D Turnbull :  Behaviour Support Lead


When school is closed:

If you have a safeguarding concern, please telephone First Contact Durham on 03000 267 979.

  • If you are a student seeking urgent support, you can contact Childline on 08000 1111 /
  •  Students and parents can also seek the services of the CAHMS (Children and Adults Mental Health Services) Crisis Team on 0800 0516 171.

The Oaks Secondary School,
Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB

Tel: 01388 827380

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