Our Board of Governors

Clive Hubery BEM Chair of Governors
Chair of Governing Body
Category: Co-opted
End of office date: 01/09/27
Committee Membership: Appeals, Curriculum & Standards, Finance, Premises & Staffing
Responsibilities: Head Teacher’s Performance

Martyn Tweddle
Executive Headteacher
Category: Associate Member (voting rights for all committees)
End of office date: 04/04/27
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards, Finance, Premises & Staffing, First/Pay Review

Gavin Thompson
Category: Staff
End of office date: 07/06/27
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards, Finance, Premises & Staffing
Responsibilities: Health & Safety

Peter Bodo
Category: Parent Governor
End of office date: 13/03/27
Committee Membership: Appeals & Finance, Premises and Staffing

Gemma Spence
Category: Co-opted Governor
End of office date: 25/01/2028
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards
Responsibilities: CEIAG, Equalities

Myra Smith Vice Chair of Governors
Vice Chair of Governors
Category: Co-opted Governor
End of office date: 31/08/26
Committee Membership: Finance, Premises & Staffing, First/Pay Review
Responsibilities: Head Teacher’s Performance

Gary McCallum
Category: Parent Governor
End of office date: 04/04/25
Committee Membership: Finance, Premises & Staffing, First/Pay Review
Responsibilities: Online Safety, Websites

Margaret Farrow
Category: Co-opted Governor
End of office date: 28/03/26
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards
Responsibilities: Curriculum, English, Safeguarding

Joan Nicholson
Category: Local Authority Governor
End of office date: 27/09/25
Committee Membership: Finance, Premises & Staffing, First/Pay Review,
Responsibilities: Headteachers Performance

Fiona Tweddle
Head of School: The Oaks
Category: Associate Member (voting rights for all committees)
End of office date: 04/02/2028
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards, Finance, Premises & Staffing

Lee Davis
Head of School – Croft Community School
Category: Associate Member (voting rights for all committees)
End of office date: 10/04/27
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards, Finance, Premises & Staffing

Gill Stringer
Category: Co-opted Governor
End of office date: 07/06/25
Committee Membership: Finance, Premises & Staffing
Responsibilities: ,EYFS, Post 16, Training & Development

Judith Benson
Category: Associate Member (voting rights for all committees)
End of office date: 10/04/27
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards, Finance, Premises & Staffing

Charlotte McGladdery
Category: Co-opted Governor
End of office date: 15/01/2028
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards
Responsibilities: SMSC / PHSE / RE / British Values

Les Keen
Category: Co-opted Governor
End of office date: 18/04/2028
Committee Membership: Finance, Premises & Staffing, First/Pay Review
Responsibilities: Maths & SEND

Mary Ann Heads
Category: Co-opted Governor
End of office date: 27/11/2028
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards
Responsibilities: Pupil & Staff Wellbeing

Liz Parker-Berry
Category: Co-opted Governor
End of office date: 27/11/2028
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards
Responsibilities: Preparation for Adulthood, Science

Rebecca Wright
Category: Parent Governor
End of office date: 17/06/2028
Committee Membership: Curriculum & Standards

The Oaks Secondary School,
Rock Road, Spennymoor, Co Durham, DL16 7DB

Tel: 01388 827380

Website by Greyphox Digital